
L’avvocato Elio De Tullio ha partecipato come speaker ad un Workshop organizzato dal WIPO (Organizzazione Mondiale della Proprietà intellettuale) e dall’UIBM (Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi) sul tema “Proprietà intellettuale quale asset strategico per le piccole medie imprese e le start-up”, illustrando la tutela dei segreti industriali e del know-how aziendale.

Organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
In cooperation with the Directorate General for the Fight Against Counterfeiting – Italian Patent and Trademark Office (DGLC-UIBM), Ministry of Economic Development
In collaboration with the SMES Industry Association (CONFAPI) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

Naples, Italy, September 17, 2019

prepared by the International Bureau of WIPO

Tuesday, September 17, 2019
9.00 – 9.30 Registration
9.30 – 10.00 OPENING SESSION
Welcome addresses by:
– Prof. Gaetano Manfredi, Rector, University of Naples “Federico II”,
Naples, Italy
– Ms. Simona Marzetti, Head, International Affairs, Directorate General for
the Fight Against Counterfeiting (DGLC) – Italian Patent and Trademark
Office (UIBM), Ministry of Economic Development, Rome
– Mr. Giovanni Napolitano, Deputy Director, Department for Transition and
Developed Countries (TDC), World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO), Geneva
– Mr. Raffale Marrone, President, Confapi Napoli, Naples, Italy
– Avv. Michele Elio de Tullio, Chairman, IP Commission, ICC, Rome
10.00 – 10.40 Topic1 What is Intellectual Property (IP) Management? Why is it
Important for SMEs?

WIPO and its Role to Support SMEs in E-Commerce,
Branding, Exporting
Speaker: Mr. Giovanni Napolitano
Questions and Answers
10.40 – 11.30 Topic 2 Trademarks, Geographical Indications, Designs
WIPO Services, Databases, Publications and their use by
Case Study: Giacomo Maggiaro, Biological Farm Franca Battista
Speaker: Mr. Giovanni Napolitano
Questions and Answers

11:30 – 11.45 Coffee Break
11.45 – 13.00 Topic 3 The Role of Patents for SMEs
IP Diagnostics for SMEs: A New Tool to Help SMEs use IP
to Protect their Assets
Case Study: Mr. Flavio Farroni, CEO & Co-founder,
Speaker: Mr. Giovanni Napolitano
Questions and Answers
page 3
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch Break
14.00 – 15.30 Topic 4 Trade Secrets, IP Information and IP Tools for SMEs
Speakers: Avv. Michele Elio de Tullio
Mr. Roberto Sandrini, Project Manager, VIP4SMEs EU
Project, Venice, Italy
Questions and Answers
15.30 – 16.20 Topic 5 IP Enforcement and its Challenges
Case Study
Speakers: Ms. Simona Marzetti
Mr. Graziano Mazza, Amministratore Delegato,
PREMIATA srl, Fermo, Italy
Questions and Answers
16.20 – 16.30 CLOSING SESSION

PROGRAMMA del Workshop

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